Wednesday, April 26, 2017

Dr Haji Khan Keerio , An Agriculturalist & Scientist

Dr.Haji Khan Keerio ; An Icon Of Struggles.

A Renowned Scientist , Agriculturalist , Researcher , Nationalist , Socialist ,Author Dr Haji Khan Keerio , Was Born on 26th April 1947 in the Village Haji Khan Keerio , Sukrand Sindh in a Farmer Family , Who used to go school in his early life by his feet.

He Acquired His secondary Education From Sukrand and Went in Sindh Agricultural University , Tando Jam for achieving his M.S.c degree in the field of Agriculture.

The Worthy Dr Haji Khan Keerio , Has the credit of having degree of PhD from the New Zealand Country as well had opportunities of Visiting many Countries of the world by attending the conferences in his respective field , which were held in India ,China , Brazil , Philippines, Nigeria , Kenya & Turkey.

Dr. Haji Khan Keerio , beside the above credits have Honor of Inventing Some Sugar Cane Varieties , especially Thatta 10 Sugar cane Variety. He is Known as a pride of Pakistan, and had his great services in development of agriculture in Pakistan.

Dr Haji Keerio has given his struggles , an open gates of Employment, His
Beginning as a assistant agronomist sryab Quetta, Tando Jam, Kotdeji, officer in National Bank of Pakistan, Wapda Junior Agronomist, Senior Scientific officer PARC Islamabad , Pakistan, Director Sugar cane , Thatta along 16 Years devolved Thatta 10 ,DG PARC Karachi, DG Research Sindh, MGD Seed corporations. after now working as a consultant in Sindh Sugar Industry.

ڪيريو دنيا
KeerioWorld Int

Ameen Muhammad Sahrwardi , Sukrand , Sindh , Pakistan

استاد بخاري
سون بازار مان ڳني وٺبو آ
فيض رهبر کان پني وٺبو آ
جو به سمجهو اوهان جو حق آ
حق مڙسي سان ڇني وٺبو آ

خدمتن جي جذبن ٖ خيالن ٖ خوابن جي جنون سان ڀريل انسان وقت کي پنهجي معاشري جي آزاد ٿيڻ جي انتظار ۾ گذاري ٿو ته ڪڏهن هن سماج کي غلامي کان نجات ملي ۽ عقل و شعور سان انسان ۾ پرکڻ ۽ سڃاڻڻ جي ڪيفيت جنم وٺي ته جيئن اهو حقيقي خدمتگارن جو سهارو حاصل ڪري خوشحالي جو سپاهي بنجي سگهي.
اهڙن انسان ۾ امين محمد ڪيريو ولد دودو خان ڪيريو ٖ سڪرنڊ جي هڪ قديمي ڳوٺ تلي ۾ ۽ سڪرنڊ جي هڪ مشهور سگهڙ خاندان ۾ پيدا ٿيو. پاڻ باٽني سبجيڪٽ جا گريجوئيٽ آهن ۽ مختلف ادارن ۾ نوڪري ڪرڻ جو موقعو به مليو ليڪن پاڻ کي انهن ڪمن ۾ بي سڪونيت جي ڪري ڇڏي ڏنن.

پاڻ ادب جي واٽ تي هلندڙ پانڌيئڙن مان آهن ۽ سائين حضرت غوث بهاؤالحق زڪريا ملتاني جا مريد ۽سهروردي سلسلي جا آھن ان ڪري نالي جي پويان سهروردي لکندا آهن ، ڪتابن سان دلي لڳا۽ اٿن ان ڪري هن وقت سندن. لائبرري م سون جي تعداد م ڪتاب موجود آھن هن وقت ڪافي ڪتابن تي ڪم ڪري رهيا آهن جن م سنڌ جا ڪيريا بزرڱ ، غوث جا ڱادي نشين ، سنڌ جا سهروردي بزرڱ ، جيڪي عنقريب شايع ڪرائڻ جي آس اٿن.

سندن ادب ۽ ڪتاب سان چاه يقينن شعور جي لاٽ ٻاري سگهي ٿو ۽ ان سان فتح ممڪن ٿي سگهي ٿي.
سندن جذبن جو خلوص دل سان احترام ٿا ڪريون ۽ دعاگو آهيون ته سدا سلامت رهن.

اوهان امين محمد سهروردي جي شخصيت جي باري ۾ ڇا چوڻ پسند ڪندا ؟

Allah Rakhio Keerio , Sukrand

اڄ جو مايه ناز و معروف ۽ ماهر باغباني هڪ هاري جو اولاد هو جنهن جو ماضي محنت و مشقتن جي ڏينهن ۾ گذريو هو. ان زندگي ۾ جدوجهد سکڻ جي ابتدائي تعليم والدين جي ڪاڙهي ۽ اس ۾ هر هلائڻ ٖ بنجر زمين کي زرخيز ڪرڻ ۽ مزدوري دوران بکن ۽ اڃنن کي برداشت ڪرڻ مان سکي هوندي. ابتدائي تعليم لا شهر تائين ٖ جيڪو 5 کان 6 ڪلوميٽر سندن رهائش کان پري آهي ان دور ۾ جڏهن آمدرفت جا ذريعا به بمشڪل هئا ٖ پيرن سان پنڌ وڃي علم حاصل ڪيو ۽ ان قول جي پيروي به ڪئي ته اعلي تعليم لا چين وڃڻو پوي ته به وڃو پر والدين جي هزارين خوابن جي ساڀيان به ڪئي ۽ هڪ هاري جي گهر کي خوشحال ڪرڻ سان گڏوگڏ هزارن هارين جي روزگار جي زريعي زراعت کي هٿي ڏيڻ لا هڪ لاجواب ڪردار ادا ڪيو. پاڻ ڪنهن تعارف ۽ اعزاز جا محتاج ته ناهن پر سندن خدمتون ۽ محنتون هڪ مثال طور پيش ڪري انهن نوجوانن کي تحريڪ ڏيڻ ٿا چاهيون ته رستن تي نڪرڻ سان منزل آسان ٿيندي آهي. ۽ مانواري سائين الهرکيو ڪيريو لا دعاگو آهيون ته سدا سلامت آباد هجن ۽ شال خوش رهن. آمين

Raees Khan Muhammad Keerio , Sarhari , Sindh

Raees Khan Muhammad Keerio is Born on 14th November 1960 In the Village Kamil Keerio of Sirhari , In the House of a Great Personality of the their time known as Late Raees Noor Muhammad Keerio.He acquired Early Education From His Native Village's Primary School , Secondary Education From Govt Secondary School , Sarhari. He Was admitted to Govt College Nawabshah for acquiring the College Education. He Passed Out The M.A (Economics & Political Science ) Degrees From University Of Sindh , Jamshoro. He Was appointed in Govt Service In the Year 1988 as a Custom Officer appraiser.

Being A father , He Has Completed His Fathers responsibilities in a remarkable way by letting his One Son to acquire Education In MBA from university of new castle London & at Present He is Living In Chicago , United States Of America While His Second Imran is B.E. Passed & Living In Karachi , Pakistan.

Khan Muhammad Keerio , Not Only Being a Blood of Nobel Family Of Sindh Pakistan , Is Worthy Of Honor as well, the Pride , But also being a Master of real & Unique feeling for mankind , is deserved higher appreciation.

Zulifqar Ali Keerio , Khair Pur Miris

Mr Zulfiqar Ali Keeryo , Working as a Senior Executive Officer @Fedration of Pakistan Chambers Of Commerce & Industry. He is basically From Khairpur Mirs and living in Karachi , Pakistan. He is graduated as BBA (IT) from Isra University Hyderabad and post graduated as MBA (Finance) from SZABIST, Karachi, He worked as internee in National Bank of Pakistan. In addition, He worked as Visiting Faculty Member in the Institute of Health Management (IHM) - Dow University of Health Sciences Karachi for the period of six months. Later, He completed His M.Phil in the field of Economics. Afterwards, He joined Pakistan apex Trade Body the Fedeartion of Pakistan Chambers of Commerce and Industry (FPCCI) at Karachi as Senior Executive Officer and have been rendering His services in such capacity with zeal and vigour. Moreover, apart from the present job He have been engaged as PhD Scholar at SZABIST Karachi. Now He have collected extended local and International experience and management acumen and competence, and trouble shooting abilities.

People Like Him , are worthy of Pride because they are hardworking in their sector for ease of all of us