Village Qabool Keerio is located between the Tando Muhammad khan at the distance of 12 kilometer and matli at the distance of 8 km, the village has the population approximately 5 thousand. It is having one Govt boys high school, 3 primary school for boys and 2 primary school for girls. This village has 3 mosques, this village has electricity and road facility while this village has no drainage system and gas facility yet. The majority of the people of this village rely on the agriculture, some are in govt service and some people do labor work to feed their families.
This history i have collected from the various persons , i have mentioned their names with their reports. Muhammad Bachal resident of the village Qabool Keerio is approximatly of 100 years. he reported that ” Muhammad Keerio had Two Sons , Muhammad Umar and Qabool Keerio, While he had no Daughter but one Wife. Also having no other blood relatives, He was the landlord , and he alone was living in this village with his faimly. After the death of Muhammad Keerio and Umar Keerio only Qabool keerio remained alive.. There was some faimlies of same cast migrated here from the various places of sindh including Nawabshah, Sukrand, Hala , Badin and Mitiari. The Person Qabool keerio Welcomed them and permitted them to settle their lives here and he also handeled them some acres of land for irrigation as well for making their homes. From that day, the villages started to be developed with the name of Qabool Keerio and still is called Village Qabool Keerio .” About the village ancient history, it is well known that this village is much old and it was developed before the British govt on India. The people of this village also participated in British and hindu war . also it is known that the most people of this village took part in the war of 1965 and 1971. Otaq in this Village Was a Center of Villagers gatherings where they used to discuss on the various subjects , such as about village affairs, weather and agricultural crops, also they use to inquire each others tragedies and used to try to tackle their problems. Religious conversation as well reciting the Moloud , reading poetry was also the part of their gatherings. Otaq was in custody of the honorable person of the village and at that time the main person was Qabool Keerio. Source of waterwas a WELL, During Taking Water women of the village accompanied in groups for water , that water was used for drinking , washing for humans as well for animals. The old and youth of this village are of religious kind , the women of this village work as house wife while the women is not allowed here to study further just the women has been limited at the primary level and religious education..
This village is now divided into other small villages which are as under Village Taj Muhammad Keerio: This Village is located at near to the link road of Tando Muhammad khan to matli, this village is near to nizam sama station, the other villages surrounded to this are village sharif shah, tayab halepoto, hyder abro, nizam sama and cheelani kholi, in addition beside this village GBHS Qabool Keerio ,GPS Taj Muhammad Keerio and khair Muhammad welfare clinic is located in this village. This village is given the name of the honorable person of this village which is known as haji taj Muhammad Keerio The resident of this village are educated , social and simple. Village Mir Muhammad Keerio: This village is given the name of the honorable person of this village known as Haji Mir Muhammad Keerio, who was religious and noble person. Village Qabool Keerio is situated on the road govt degree college road Tando Muhammad khan seven kilometer away from Qabool Keerio and five kilometers from matli Village Kamil Keerio The resident of this village are almost less educated and much talkative, they rely on business and irrigation. They are came here from especially nawabshah. This village has a school which is in damaged condition for a long time and this area is neglected by the politician in every government . In addition , The Village Qabool Keerio has some mohallas which are as under 1, Nangani Mohlla : This mohalla has given this name because the ancessostors of this mohalla was used to engage in caughting the snakes and keep them in their home because it was their occupation. Nowadays their new generation has stopped this occupation. Beside this mohalla, a large pond of open water which is surrounded to this mohalla which give the pollution to the people of this mohalla. 2. Mathiyoon Parro: This mohalla is given this name because it was on upper side of village ,, the majority of this people are very poor. 3. Waderan Jo Paro : This mohalla is given this name because the residence of this village are rich , landlord and their ancessostors were honorable person of this village who used to work as a king of the village who were solve the matter of the village and help the people when they fight in each other… This mohalla has the family of chief person Qabool Keerio so also the resident of this village are honored as a Wedra. 4. Molvi Paro : This mohalla is called molvi paro because in this mohalla a religious scholar , molvi wali Muhammad Keerio lived who was a deep in knowledge who taught many people Islamic education, the most familiar religious scholar , Muhabullah Shah Rashidi and Badi udin Shah Rashidi who were cousin of Pir Pagara , also got the religious education from him. 5. Mulan Parro: The people of mulan paro are devoted to ALLAh, they used to work in the agriculture field and the wonderful quality of those people was that at the time of pray they used to left their work in pending and let it on the defence of ALLAH, even they were not anxious about the animals and birds’ harm,, basically the residence of this area came from the village ‘ESSO GOTH of Nawabshah.,, Mulan paro name is given to their mohalla because of their Islamic nature.
This history i have collected from the various persons , i have mentioned their names with their reports. Muhammad Bachal resident of the village Qabool Keerio is approximatly of 100 years. he reported that ” Muhammad Keerio had Two Sons , Muhammad Umar and Qabool Keerio, While he had no Daughter but one Wife. Also having no other blood relatives, He was the landlord , and he alone was living in this village with his faimly. After the death of Muhammad Keerio and Umar Keerio only Qabool keerio remained alive.. There was some faimlies of same cast migrated here from the various places of sindh including Nawabshah, Sukrand, Hala , Badin and Mitiari. The Person Qabool keerio Welcomed them and permitted them to settle their lives here and he also handeled them some acres of land for irrigation as well for making their homes. From that day, the villages started to be developed with the name of Qabool Keerio and still is called Village Qabool Keerio .” About the village ancient history, it is well known that this village is much old and it was developed before the British govt on India. The people of this village also participated in British and hindu war . also it is known that the most people of this village took part in the war of 1965 and 1971. Otaq in this Village Was a Center of Villagers gatherings where they used to discuss on the various subjects , such as about village affairs, weather and agricultural crops, also they use to inquire each others tragedies and used to try to tackle their problems. Religious conversation as well reciting the Moloud , reading poetry was also the part of their gatherings. Otaq was in custody of the honorable person of the village and at that time the main person was Qabool Keerio. Source of waterwas a WELL, During Taking Water women of the village accompanied in groups for water , that water was used for drinking , washing for humans as well for animals. The old and youth of this village are of religious kind , the women of this village work as house wife while the women is not allowed here to study further just the women has been limited at the primary level and religious education..
This village is now divided into other small villages which are as under Village Taj Muhammad Keerio: This Village is located at near to the link road of Tando Muhammad khan to matli, this village is near to nizam sama station, the other villages surrounded to this are village sharif shah, tayab halepoto, hyder abro, nizam sama and cheelani kholi, in addition beside this village GBHS Qabool Keerio ,GPS Taj Muhammad Keerio and khair Muhammad welfare clinic is located in this village. This village is given the name of the honorable person of this village which is known as haji taj Muhammad Keerio The resident of this village are educated , social and simple. Village Mir Muhammad Keerio: This village is given the name of the honorable person of this village known as Haji Mir Muhammad Keerio, who was religious and noble person. Village Qabool Keerio is situated on the road govt degree college road Tando Muhammad khan seven kilometer away from Qabool Keerio and five kilometers from matli Village Kamil Keerio The resident of this village are almost less educated and much talkative, they rely on business and irrigation. They are came here from especially nawabshah. This village has a school which is in damaged condition for a long time and this area is neglected by the politician in every government . In addition , The Village Qabool Keerio has some mohallas which are as under 1, Nangani Mohlla : This mohalla has given this name because the ancessostors of this mohalla was used to engage in caughting the snakes and keep them in their home because it was their occupation. Nowadays their new generation has stopped this occupation. Beside this mohalla, a large pond of open water which is surrounded to this mohalla which give the pollution to the people of this mohalla. 2. Mathiyoon Parro: This mohalla is given this name because it was on upper side of village ,, the majority of this people are very poor. 3. Waderan Jo Paro : This mohalla is given this name because the residence of this village are rich , landlord and their ancessostors were honorable person of this village who used to work as a king of the village who were solve the matter of the village and help the people when they fight in each other… This mohalla has the family of chief person Qabool Keerio so also the resident of this village are honored as a Wedra. 4. Molvi Paro : This mohalla is called molvi paro because in this mohalla a religious scholar , molvi wali Muhammad Keerio lived who was a deep in knowledge who taught many people Islamic education, the most familiar religious scholar , Muhabullah Shah Rashidi and Badi udin Shah Rashidi who were cousin of Pir Pagara , also got the religious education from him. 5. Mulan Parro: The people of mulan paro are devoted to ALLAh, they used to work in the agriculture field and the wonderful quality of those people was that at the time of pray they used to left their work in pending and let it on the defence of ALLAH, even they were not anxious about the animals and birds’ harm,, basically the residence of this area came from the village ‘ESSO GOTH of Nawabshah.,, Mulan paro name is given to their mohalla because of their Islamic nature.
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