Founder Keerio World |
Shahid Ali Keerio was born at Bhiria Road , District Noshehro Feroz In a Farmer Faimly. He got his Early Education from Bhiria Road and Graduated from GDC Noshehro Feroz and went in Karachi in 2003 for search of Job where he met with Khan Muhammad Keerio of Sarhari who was appraiser in Custom Department , Karachi who appreciated and encouraged him in job achieving.
He had interested to work for the welfare of keerio people from his younger age and he expressed his interest by making various websites for the welfare of keerio nation, also he founded the organization called Indus Keeria Social Forum
He Was the First Men In Keerio Nation Who Made the Site www.keerio.webs.com where he wanted to convey his message and to find his mates with his missions. Through Internet he created contacts almost every keerio around the sindh or in international countries..He is Addicted of Talking and Making Friendship With the Caste People as he is reflected from his ancestors.
His ancestors were used to say
" If Friendship Is With a Close Relative It Will not Hurt Much if It Gets Break Because The Blood Relations Never Breaks"
He Started to walk on the way , that he had choosen but the New Way for a unknown is difficult. In The same way he Invited most of the people of our cast but almost All Left Shahid to Walk on his Own.He Still Have Honour For those Who Left and for those Who Hold his hand In The Cause.
The Day Shahid Still remember When he met Dr Khalil on facebook.Their Friendship begins and remained continue in sending text messages and in Phone Calls. On One Day Morning Shahid Just missed him and wanted to say Greetings to Dr Khalil. That Day Was the Luckiest Day For Shahid's dream because Dr Khalil assured him for support in Keerio World and the Keerio World Website is Launched within a Week.
Shahid 's message For all keerios " Know Yourself, Grow the Unity and maintain the Peace, Love & Brotherhood among our nation"